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Background Material


Background material on this page contains information and links concerned with the educational systems in Scotland. Its main goal is to supply participants of our courses in Scotland with information for their preparation and for further work on the subject.

At present courses in Scotland are exclusively offered in English. Following background information is therefore also provided in English except for one German article by Dr Brigitte Schumann. The English version of this article is a translation of the original German version.

Reports and Review papers

Sources quoted therein:

Education Scotland / Foghlam Alba

Education Scotland / Foghlam Alba is an executive agency that supports quality and improvement in Scottish education. Its website is a substantial source of information, to which we'd like to offer some orientation.

Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)

Further support for practitioners:
The National Improvement Hub

"The Hub provides information and support that enables practitioners to improve their practice and increase the quality of learners’ experiences and outcomes. It provides access to: self-evaluation and improvement frameworks, research, teaching and assessment resources, exemplars of practice and support for on-line collaboration and networks through Glow."

Assessment, Evaluation and Quality:
Building the Curriculum 5 – A framework for assessment

"Building the Curriculum 5 (2011) provides guidance on the main areas of the assessment strategy for Curriculum for Excellence."

Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy

The CfE Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy was established in 2013 by the Scottish government to identify main drivers around excessive bureaucracy during the implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence. The group issued two reports so far:


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Organisation ID


Forum Eltern und Schule
Huckarder Str. 12
44147 Dortmund

Contact person:
Sandra Lorscheider

+49 231 148011

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